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Give Thanks With A Thoughtful Estate Plan

Thanksgiving sparks the holiday season, and before we head into the merriment, joy, and yes, sometimes stress, we are given the opportunity to pause and consider what we are thankful for. What are you most thankful for? The loved ones in your life are precious, and they rely on you. But sometimes the unexpected occurs. Do you have a plan in place to protect those you hold most dear? Getting your affairs in order is an expression of love. Estate planning is not something you do for yourself. It is something you do for others. And you can show your gratitude for your loved ones this holiday season by putting a safety net in place in case the unexpected ever does occur.

Your estate plan in part formulates your legacy. You can through the planning and drafting of your will or trust express your gratitude for those individuals or organizations you value through word and deed. That said, keep in mind that no one is entitled to an inheritance. All should acknowledge the grace of the provider of the inheritance. All should cultivate gratitude in receiving the gifts they receive. Gratitude and estate planning go hand in hand.

As we approach Thanksgiving and think about all we have, we should contemplate how we have planned for our affairs. With some thought and guidance, you can help foster gratitude within your estate plan.

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